Chair of Modeling and Scientific Computing (CMCS)

1 July 1998 - 1 December 2017

Director: Professor Alfio Quarteroni


The CMCS research group deals with the development, analysis, and application of mathematical and numerical models for the integration of complex systems. Solution methods are developed and applied to domains as diverse as fluid dynamics, structural analysis, mass transport, heat transfer and, more in general, to multiscale and multiphysics applications. Our approach is carried out across several fields such as numerical linear algebra for large scale and high performance computing, constructive approximation theory using finite elements, spectral elements, isogeometric analysis and reduced order models, partial differential equations, optimization, control, direct and inverse problems, uncertainty quantification. Complex multidisciplinary systems such as the Haemodel, the two ERC Advanced Grants Projects Mathcard and iHEART (for the simulation of the cardiovascular system), yacht design for America's cup, optimization of therapeutical tools in medicine and surgery, and many others, have been successfully addressed.